Do I Qualify for Northern Virginia Bariatric Surgery?

Are you wondering if you are eligible for Northern Virginia bariatric surgery?

If so, there are a few qualifications that need to be met in order to determine whether or not you may be an ideal candidate for this popular procedure.

The Basics

The first way that you can qualify for bariatric surgery requires that you must have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or greater.

There are many ways that you can calculate your BMI on our own.

You can reference a BMI chart, or use a BMI calculator.

Alternatively, you can qualify for surgery if you have a BMI between 35 to 40 with one obesity related co-morbidity such as diabetes or sleep apnea.

Lastly, in order to qualify for bariatric surgery, you must not weigh less than 450 pounds.

Additional Evaluations

In addition to the BMI and weight requirements, you are also required to meet with additional professionals for further evaluations.

For example, nutritionist may be recommended if you are over the weight threshold of 450 pounds and need to lose weight before qualifying for surgery.

Additionally, you will be required to undergo a medical and psychological evaluation.

Furthermore, you will need to meet with a dietician for additional counseling.

How to Begin

If you believe that you may be a good candidate for bariatric surgery, the next step is to reach out to a board certified bariatric surgeon to begin the process.

It is important that you research the top surgeons in your area and that you meet with potential surgeons until you find the person or organization where you feel the most comfortable.

Northern Virginia Bariatric Surgery

At Northern Virginia Surgical Specialists, we offer a bariatric program to give you the necessary tools to achieve a healthier and better lifestyle.

Our surgeons are board certified, highly trained, and are passionate about helping you reach your weight loss goals.

To learn more about Thrive Surgery, contact us to schedule a consultation


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